If I Could

Jonah and Me
December, 2014

If I could, I would

hold every baby

Embrace every mama

wipe every tear.

If I could, I would

be a safe haven

to all who need it

And as they came in,

I’d be whispering, Life!

Life isn’t only possible…

It’s what we’re made for.

And Someone has said

that the best way to keep it

Is to give it away.

To mother is a gift

A gift, and not a curse

To know that something you’ve helped make will outlive you.

To know that someone you have loved will love you back.

If I could, I would

Fix it.

But until that day, Lord,

Until that Day when You fix everything…

Would You hold the babies?

Would You whisper Life to the mothers?

Would You gather us under Your arms…

Would You pursue and chase the one?

And would You show us how to help

Would You show us how to give

How to love

How to lay down our lives

Like You.