Big Dreams For Little Feet

This weekend, while I was watching my daughter dance her toes off for Jesus, a new ministry launched. A new ministry that just may save a life — or, we hope, many lives.

Single mothers and young parents of all backgrounds are all too often going without the resources they desperately need. Resources you and I take for granted every day. Maybe you’ve seen someone, maybe you’ve met someone, who’s struggling in this way. Right in our own backyard. Where do young mothers turn… when they don’t know where to turn?

Life Options Network has recently been founded by a small group of women, headed up by a dear friend of mine, with a big dream. That dream is to be the answer to that question: “Where do I turn?” by pooling our nation’s many resources into one accessible place. But more than that, the dream is to whisper to struggling mamas everywhere: “You’re not alone.”

Please take a moment to check out LON’s new website here. I’m sharing it with you today because I believe that if you’re a reader of my blog, then you’ll also be delighted by this new ministry. Check out the Mission Statement. Check out the lists of Resources provided. Leave a comment if you have any feedback, or help spread the word about this new vital ministry if you feel led to do so.

I’m also pinching myself as I get to tell you that you’ll see some of my writing on this website, too. We are a team of women working together to help lift mothers and children out of some of their darkest spaces: a small piece of that will include telling their stories. To see my interview with a very special woman who knows what it feels like to wonder where her child’s next meal will come from, click here.

Thank you, friends, for listening. I’m so thankful that you’re here. And I believe your heart will beat a little faster, just like mine does, when you think about how important a ministry we all have when it comes to struggling women and children. We can’t fix everything… but maybe we can help one mama, or one child, today.

And on that note… if you know a mama who’s struggling to find shelter, or clothing, or food for herself or her family, reach out a helping hand and show her the website. Have her call the phone number (there is a live person on the other end). Life Options Network is here to help her find the resources she needs. We’re here so that every mama can have the chance to watch her son or daughter grow, play, and dance.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” (James 1:27).

Clinging to Jesus,
