What a Moment of Praise Can Do


When my hands are plunging in the sink and I can’t see the bottom – dishes are piled so high; when I haven’t seen the bottom of the laundry basket either… When the chores and to-dos fight with the worries and fears, to see who can build the tallest tower; when it seems the least intuitive, that’s when I need it most: to stop.  And praise Him.


It can turn “Oh Lord, I can’t”

Into a bit more strength

That’s what a Moment of Praise can do.


It can turn, “Oh Lord, won’t You please?”

Into, “I love You, anyway.”

That’s what a Moment of Praise can do.


It can turn, “I’m so tired, so overwhelmed, so whatever…”

Into, “How did I get this life?  This beautiful life?  Someone explain it to me, please.  Because it’s all a gift of grace.”

That’s what a moment of praise can do.


And instead of a pile of dishes, I see the flower my son picked just for me.  Instead of a mountain of to-dos, I see a reason to Praise Him.  A reason to stop for a moment…


And just what is a moment of praise?

It’s stopping, breathing, holding busy hands steady, remembering… those busy hands?  He made them.  He made them not just to work, but to slow down, and worship, too.  That heart that aches too often with worry?  He made that, too, and He hopes that you might incline it towards Him.


He is your softest resting place.  Your quiet waters.  Your gentle path.


And we might think it is just a moment of praise.  But He makes it more than that, He multiplies it, He expands it, because He blesses it… and He can use it to usher you in to this quiet resting place.


You see, Praise has no strings.  It just says, You are Good.

Praise leaves no room to wallow or worry

Because Praise swallows up every fear in the room.

And inclines your face

To the One who is Love

Who is Rest, who is Good, who is True.


And when we think that we can’t take a moment to praise… we can’t turn our hearts, they’re too stubborn, too tired… we can remember David, who from the caves, from the within the reach of the clutches of his pursuer, commanded his heart to trust in God:


“My heart says of You, ‘seek His face!’  Your face, Lord, I will seek.” (Psalm 27:8)


Clinging to Him,



  1. Christa

    Laura I love this! It’s all about getting our perspective set in the right position. Looking up at Him, not down at the waves. Thanks for the beautiful reminder

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